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Sam Spratt


Artist & Creator

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New York based Sam Spratt has created “Luci”: one of the most successful and interconnected fine art collections within the digital art space utilizing participatory
technology blended with ancient storytelling.

Inspired by our early hominid origins, Solomonic teachings, and the authorless story of pilgrimage, he is creating an episodic and evolving world across his artwork and story as he unravels a life of image-making and transforms the work through communal layers enabled by the blockchain network and the philosophies that underpin it. His most recent work: The Monument Game which drew in thousands of people and millions in sales was awarded Project of the Year by Decrypt. The message of Luci is that of rediscovery: a preservation of solidity amidst abstraction -- an attempt to grow out of atomization as an individual learns to connect to a network larger than oneself.