What's Brand New ? May 16th

Welcome to the latest edition of our bi-weekly newsletter designed to keep you in the loop on recent developments in AI, XR & NFTs ! 


On this edition: 

  • AI News: Alzheimer's detection using AI, Epic Games Unreal Engine 5.2's ML capabilities, and OpenAI's new features for ChatGPT Plus users.
  • NFT News: Moonbirds' partnership with Spotify, OpenSea Pro's Farmer Wallet Labels, and Blur's integration of Yugalabs BAYC and MAYC.
  • XR Spotlight: Sergey Galkin's AR and AI artwork experiments.
  • A curated list of 5 AI tools you won't want to miss!

AI Trends and News

1. AI Detects Early Signs of Alzheimer's Dementia Using Smartphones

Cutting-edge research from the University of Alberta unveils a machine learning model that shows promise in detecting early indicators of Alzheimer's dementia through smartphone technology.

The preliminary results are astounding, showcasing an impressive accuracy rate of 70-75% when distinguishing between Alzheimer's patients and healthy individuals. This groundbreaking advancement highlights the significant contributions of AI in revolutionizing healthcare technology and addressing critical medical challenges.

Read more

2. Epic Games Introduces Unreal Engine 5.2 with Machine Learning Deformer

Exciting news from Epic Games as they announce the release of Unreal Engine 5.2, featuring the innovative Machine Learning Deformer.

This cutting-edge technology showcased in the sample demonstrates Unreal Engine's capabilities in creating incredibly realistic next-generation characters with advanced muscle, flesh, and cloth simulations.

With the potential for AI integration, the future holds the promise of auto-generating hyperrealistic characters in highly anticipated video games like GTA6.

3. OpenAI Expands ChatGPT+ Features with Plugin Support

Exciting news for ChatGPT Plus users! OpenAI has rolled out a significant update, granting access to web browsing capabilities and introducing 70 beta plugins. With this expansion of features, ChatGPT+ users can now enjoy an even more versatile and dynamic AI-powered experience. OpenAI continues to enhance its offerings, empowering users with advanced AI capabilities and making interactions with ChatGPT+ more impactful and immersive.

What’s New in NFTs? 

1. Moonbirds partners with Spotify for token-enabled features

Moonbirds has teamed up with Spotify for an exclusive pilot program. This collaboration brings token-enabled features to the platform, offering a unique experience for Moonbirds holders. Android users in select countries can enjoy the curated Moonbirds playlist titled "Sounds of a Digital Renaissance," featuring top artists like Tame Impala and Diplo. This partnership highlights Moonbirds' ability to collaborate with major brands and enhance the NFT experience for their community.

2. OpenSea Pro introduces Farmer Wallet Labels

This new feature allows users to easily identify and track the activity of buyers and sellers who frequently engage in bids. The labels provide valuable insights, including the percentage of items they own in a collection. With Farmer Wallet Labels, users can stay informed and make more informed decisions in the dynamic NFT market.

3. Blur.io integrates Yuga Labs BAYC and MAYC into Blend lending protocol

Blur.io has added Yuga Labs' Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) and Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) to its Blend lending protocol. Now, BAYC holders can borrow up to 40 ETH using their NFTs as collateral, while those interested in MAYC can acquire a new token with just 1 ETH on the Blur platform. This integration offers increased liquidity and accessibility for NFT holders in the vibrant digital art market.

XR Spotlight


Experience the magic of AI and augmented reality with @sergeyglkn

Imagine adding virtual artwork to your walls and transforming your home into a mesmerizing AR gallery. @sergeyglkn, a talented artist has been pushing the boundaries of AR experiences. With clients like Samsung, Meta, and Xbox, he creates immersive AR installations that captivate and inspire. Sergey believes that the future lies in AR glasses, freeing us from relying on our phones to explore new realities. As the technology advances, we're one step closer to a world where AR glasses become the norm, allowing us to interact with digital realms in unprecedented ways.

Useful AI Tools 🔨


  1. PrivateGPT: Unlock the power of GPT to interact privately with your documents.
  2. Drumloop AI: Generate unique and original AI beats for your music creations.
  3. Help.center: Take customer support to the next level with AI-powered assistance.
  4. Jobed : AI-powered job description generator
  5. MedGPT: Access valuable information about medicines, treatments, and diagnoses with this powerful AI tool.

Stay tuned for our next issue, where we'll continue to bring you the latest updates from the worlds of AI, XR & NFTs. 

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