Reshaping Capitalism with Web3

"In the digital world, until Web3, we don't own anything. The same effects we see happening in the physical area of property rights, we'll see happening in the digital area." - Yat Siu


Yat Siu, the Co-Founder and Chairman of Animoca Brands, delivered a thought-provoking solo talk at the NFT Paris event, igniting discussions on the transformative potential of Web3 in reshaping capitalism. With a fervent call for change, Siu captured the audience's attention, urging them to envision a future where capitalism is not only revitalized but also more equitable.

Key Points

  1. The Broken State of Capitalism: Siu painted a grim picture of the current capitalist landscape, highlighting widening wealth gaps and the concentration of power among tech giants. He emphasized how traditional capitalism has failed to benefit the majority, leading to growing disillusionment.
  2. Web3's Promise of Equity: Central to Siu's vision is the transformative potential of Web3, which promises to redistribute wealth more fairly across the digital ecosystem. By enabling ownership and transparency, Web3 challenges the dominance of centralized platforms and empowers individuals to participate in value creation.
  3. The Role of Blockchain: Siu underscored the pivotal role of blockchain technology in driving this paradigm shift. He emphasized that blockchain is not just a technical innovation but a socio-economic system that embeds capitalism at its core. Through decentralized networks, blockchain fosters a more inclusive form of capitalism, where everyone has a stake in the system.
  4. Web3 Gaming as a Catalyst: Addressing skepticism towards Web3, particularly among gamers, Siu highlighted gaming as a gateway to broader economic inclusion. By introducing ownership and financial literacy into gaming experiences, Web3 can onboard millions of users into the world of decentralized finance, democratizing access to capital and opportunity.


In his solo talk, Yat Siu articulated a compelling vision for a future where capitalism is revitalized through the principles of Web3. By championing ownership, transparency, and financial literacy, Siu envisions a more equitable economic system where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. As the world embarks on the Web3 revolution, Siu's insights serve as a beacon of hope, guiding us towards a brighter and more inclusive future.

Watch the full talk here :



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