PSG X BrilliantCrypto: A Joint Presentation With BrilliantCrypto & Paris Saint-Germain

"I believe what has already arrived is gaming, and I believe what's next is gaming on chain, and I believe what's next in games is assets that are tokenized. This is a part of what's next." - Pär Helgosson


Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), the iconic football club, and Brilliant Crypto, a pioneering force in the world of blockchain technology, recently joined forces in a groundbreaking collaboration. The partnership, unveiled at the NFT Paris event, promises to revolutionize the concept of digital collectibles, blending the excitement of football fandom with the innovation of blockchain technology.

  • Yoshiaki Harai (Board of Director, Brilliant Crypto)
  • Pär Helgosson (Head of Web3 & Metaverse, PSG)
  • Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira (Legend Player, PSG)
  • Hugo Church (BD & Community Manager, Brilliant Crypto)

The joint presentation began with Yoshiaki Harai's introduction, setting the stage for an exploration of authentic digital gemstones, a concept at the intersection of gaming, fashion, and blockchain technology. Harai's vision, backed by Brilliant Crypto's extensive experience in the gaming industry, aimed to introduce a new paradigm in digital assets.

Proof of Gaming

Hugo Church delved into the core concept of "proof of gaming," a revolutionary approach to tokenizing digital gemstones. Drawing parallels to Bitcoin's proof of work, Church explained how Brilliant Crypto intends to harness the power of gaming to confer real value upon digital assets, bridging the gap between virtual and tangible worlds.

PSG's Perspective

Pär Helgosson, representing PSG, highlighted the club's commitment to innovation both on and off the pitch. Embracing blockchain technology as the next frontier, PSG sees the collaboration with Brilliant Crypto as a natural progression in their quest for excellence. Helgosson emphasized PSG's dedication to providing unique experiences for its fans, making the partnership with Brilliant Crypto a perfect fit.

The Iconic Touch

Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira, a legendary player for PSG and the Brazilian national team, added a touch of nostalgia and authenticity to the discussion. Sharing insights from his illustrious career, Raí underscored the importance of connecting with fans through collectibles and memorabilia, echoing the sentiment that digital assets hold immense value in fostering a deeper connection between clubs and supporters.

The Announcement

The highlight of the presentation was the unveiling of a groundbreaking collaboration: an exclusive NFT collection featuring PSG-themed digital collectibles. Attendees were treated to the news of limited edition pickaxes and uniforms, seamlessly integrating PSG's brand into Brilliant Crypto's gaming ecosystem. The collaboration promises to offer fans a unique opportunity to own and cherish digital memorabilia linked directly to their beloved club.


As the presentation drew to a close, the speakers expressed their excitement for the future of digital collectibles and the potential for further collaborations between PSG and Brilliant Crypto. With innovation at the forefront, the partnership seeks to redefine the fan experience, ushering in a new era of engagement and authenticity in the world of football fandom.

The PSG-Brilliant Crypto collaboration represents a bold step towards the convergence of sports, technology, and blockchain innovation. As the world eagerly awaits the launch of the exclusive NFT collection, one thing is certain: the partnership marks the beginning of an exciting journey into the metaverse, where the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds blur, and the spirit of fandom knows no bounds.

Watch the full talk here



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